腰背痛有多常見? 腰背痛是最常見的都市病之一。 腰背痛(LBP)是很常見的狀況,每個人在一生中幾乎都曾經歷過。尤其在辦公室工作的白領,工作需要長時間保持靜態坐姿。這種情況極為普遍。老年人、運動員以及搬運工人也是腰背痛的常客。腰背痛可以帶來長期極其不適的感覺,嚴重影響日常生活...
Are you a golf lover?
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A normal ageing process
Similar to grey hairs, disc degeneration happens on everyone!
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You're not alone! It's in fact one of the most common pain conditions
The full story of elbow pain at work
Understand the causes of and how to tackle the elbow niggles
Solutions to postural myths among office workers
Helix is here to give you the best advice for your working posture.